Marvel's Spiderman: Miles Morales. (2020). Brian Horton, Bryan Intihar, Marcus Smith, Ryan Smith, Insomniac Games.
This game was really good in an of itself, and it also managed to be one of those cultural products that are authentically good in respect to their general impact and the environment in which they exist. What respects to the game itself in a technical aspect is more than formidable. I haven't played the first one (Spider-Man PS4, 2018), but as an introduction to Spider-Man in a videogame it functions very well; the balancing system is a product of pure genius and traversing the city has to be one of the most fun and organic experiences that I've ever experienced with a controller, the fighting system is also incredible, it has a lot of possibilities and interesting ways to approach a fight, and that's not even taking into account how amazing you feel after kicking the ass of 4 dudes with a well-calculated venom punch. It's shorter duration seemed a good decision to me, it helped me to not feel overwhelmed and to enjoy a more contained an essential experience, that left ...